
Chapels of Cwmgiedd

Cwmgiedd has Yorath Chapel at the centre of the village. In the past, it had two satellite chapels from Yorath, Pen Pisgah located in Palleg, and Ynys Chapel, in the Ynys. Also to be found in Cwmgiedd was Ysgoldy Fach, a schoolroom for Sardis Chapel.

Yorath Chapel is located on the main road through Cwmgiedd, on the left as you head down towards the National Park. It is a Methodist chapel, and is still active today.
Visit our Yorath Chapel webpage.

Ynys Chapel was located on what is now the by-pass, but was then the banks of the canal, and was established as a satellite chapel of Yorath. It is now a private house.
Visit our Ynys Chapel webpage.

Pen Pisgah is located in Palleg, and was a farmhouse donated to Yorath Chapel as a schoolroom, though it was also described at the time as a chapel, and used for performances and services.
Visit our Pen Pisgah webpage.

Ysgoldy Fach was a second Sunday School for Sardis Chapel, located at the far end of Cwmgiedd, and a sign of the rivalries between different chapels and denominations for members.
Visit our Ysgoldy Fach webpage.

Churches and Chapels of Cwmgiedd